
2016 Americas Advanced User Group Meeting

March 29-31, 2016

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas, USA (Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute/Texas Children’s Hospital), 29 March, 2016

The Bitplane Americas Advanced User Group Meeting (UGM) is an annual educational event where our advanced users can be trained on the latest in Imaris by Bitplane’s image analysis experts. We thank the generous support of the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine under the direction of Drs. Huda Zoghbi and John Swann.

At this year’s meeting, we covered all the advanced functions in Imaris (Filament Tracer, Cell, Track, Vantage etc). In addition, we put special emphasis on a number of new topics including the following:

  • our new Lineage module for cell division analysis,
  • most optimal way to use the Arena view for Batch processing,
  • advanced use of XTensions to expand capabilities of Imaris.

This year’s session was a mixture of lectures, hands-on trainings and dedicated sessions with participants’ own datasets. We had Imaris users joining this event from Houston, Dallas, Maryland, New York, Boston, Chicago, Portland, Miami and beyond.

Bitplane would like to take the opportunity to thank the Imaris users who joined the 2016 Advanced User Group Meeting. We are happy to be a part of your exciting journey towards ground breaking discoveries. See you again at the next UGM!

Photos of the event can be seen on Facebook at:

Further Information :


Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas, USA



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